At first black holes seem to have no death because they are already the dead corpses of stars, but it is seemingly awesome that even a zombie like this can die.Amazing! Isn't it?
Well black holes seem to glow because there are theoretical particles that come outward from the event horizon.
Well first let us know about these quantum particles, in the vacuum of space there is energy that is stolen slightly by some particles know as virtual particles, these particles occur in pair. first they steal some energy from what is available in the vacuum of space and merge from no where and exist for tiny moments and they annihilate into nothing again, maintain the law of conservation of energy.
Now and then some of these virtual particles seem to pop up near the event horizon of black holes by using the mass of the black hole itself and one among the pairs of particles enter into the inside of the black holes that is cross the event horizon and the other moves into the space freely as a non-virtual particle, because of this the energy is not conserved there by the mass of the black hole reduces , thereby after eons it literally evaporates.The non virtual quantum particles escape into space in the form of hawking radiation.
A video on hawking radiation:
know more on black holes here
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